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Creating Categories and Adding Content

Solution Many internet radio stations' music is selected completely at random. There is no way to schedule liners and stingers, top of the hour IDs, and other content. Using Shout Radio Automation's categories gives you more powerful scheduling options and in the end, will make your station sound much smoother and more professional.

A brand new station has a few default categories already set up. Use these categories to get the new station streaming. Upload files to each category by using the form at the bottom of the category's page.

After content is uploaded to the categories, you have the option of editing the information for each file. Click on the Edit Content button to gain access to the information and advanced options. On this page you are able to move categories, change title, artist, album, year, genre, producer/label, and add any additional private comments. In the Additional Options area, you can enable auto move (moves the content to a different category after X days), and enable scheduling a leading or tailing element (whenever this content is scheduled, the selected leading or tailing content is also scheduled).
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Article details
Article ID: 12
Category: Shout Radio Automation
Date added: 2009-12-19 15:24:40
Views: 1417
Rating (Votes): Article rated 2.9/5.0 (78)

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