Shout Radio Automation
Shout Automation Support
Creating, Modifying, and Scheduling Clocks
Clocks are the heart of Shout Radio Automation. Each clock is an hour-long list of content elements. Each clock should be at least an hour and ten minutes long.
Creating and managing clocks is very simple in Shout Radio Automation. A brand new station will have the Default Clock already created and filled with the default elements. To add content, simply drag additional elements from the available category list. To rearrange these categories, simply click and drag the category to be moved. It is updated instantly.
Adding elements is just as simple. Click on one of the categories on the right side of the screen and drag it over to the desired position in the main clock. After the page refreshes, the new category will be in place, and is ready to be scheduled. To remove a category from the clock, click the delete icon on the right side of the category.
Droppable Elements (D) are used to make sure your clock isn't too long. Without Droppable Elements, song clocks will be scheduled longer than 60 minutes, causing your entire day to be mis-scheduled. Simply click on the D (D) and the category is now droppable.
Every hour of the week needs to have a clock assigned to it. This is done on the Schedule Clock page. From the Clocks page, select the clock to be scheduled, and click on Schedule Clock. On this page, check the checkboxes for the hours you want to schedule the clock.
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Article ID:
Shout Radio Automation
Date added:
2009-12-19 15:46:15
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