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Strictly speaking, "voicetracking" refers to the process of a disc jockey prerecording his or her on-air "patter." It's then combined with songs, commercials, and other elements in order to produce a product that sounds like an ordinary live air shift. (Wikipedia Article) Shout Radio Automation offers a unique way of voicetracking. With a microphone and an internet connection, you are able to voicetrack from anywhere.

Note: Sun's Java must be installed to use the voicetracking feature.

The first step to voicetracking is schedule voicetracks. From the Clocks page, click and drag the Voicetracks element into your clock. Next, schedule a day that this clock is assigned to. Once the day is scheduled, head over to the Voicetracks page. From here, you are able to select which voicetrack to record. Select the date from the left-side calendar, then select the voicetrack from the list. This opens the Voicetracking page.

Click the Record button to start recording the voicetrack. Once it's recorded, click the Send button to upload the voicetrack to the server and have it scheduled. The right side shows the schedule before and after the voicetrack.

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Article details
Article ID: 15
Category: Shout Radio Automation
Date added: 2009-12-19 20:54:03
Views: 1522
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (72)

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