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Station Settings

Solution The station settings page allows you to change your stations's name, genre, URL, timezone and YP listing. You can also change the streaming server. Under Advanced Station Settings you have the options of what type and length of crossfading, artist seperation, old voicetrack removal, auto scheduling, and FTP uploads.

The user accounts page is available for you to create additional login acounts with different permissions. Great for having DJs or Music Directors to login, but keeping sensitive options away from them. You can also change passwords on this page.

Request settings are available to define how you are going to take listener requests. Three different modes exist: disable all requests, automatically insert requests, and approve all requests first. You must also select the categories you want listeners to select songs from. Use the CTRL key to select multipe categories. Limiting user requests are also a good idea to keep listeners form flooding the schedule with additional songs. Maximum requests per hour limit the total number of requests allowed from all users within one hour. The request delay is used to keep requests from being played instantly. This options must be set to at least 60 minutes if you are streaming in the USA (per the DMCA).
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Article details
Article ID: 18
Category: Shout Radio Automation
Date added: 2009-12-19 20:59:50
Views: 1365
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (74)

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