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DMCA Rules

Solution The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) are a set of rules for internet broadcasters based in the United States.

This is only a partial list. For the complete list of rules, please visit

- In any three-hour period:
You should not intentionally schedule more than three songs (and not more than two songs in a row) from the same album.
You should not intentionally schedule more than four songs (and not more than three songs in a row) from the same artist.
- Continuous looped programs must be three or more hours long.
- Rebroadcasts of programs may be performed at scheduled times as follows:
Programs of less than one hour: no more than three times within two weeks.
Programs longer than one hour: no more than four times within two weeks.

- Your station can not be part of an "interactive service" such as playing listener requests within one hour of the request, or at a time designated by the listener. You can use the "Request Delay" setting on the Requests Settings page.
- You can not publish advance schedules or use other means to pre-announce when particular sound recordings will be played. Using the Station Dashboard and Schedule are for station operators only and not for listeners.

- You should only broadcast sound recordings that are authorized for performance in the United States.
- You should pass through (and not disable or remove) identification or technological protection information included in the sound recording (if any).
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Article details
Article ID: 19
Category: Shout Radio Automation
Date added: 2009-12-19 21:01:01
Views: 1332
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.1/5.0 (69)

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