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Scheduling Tip (Re-Scheduling a Day While Live)

Solution If for some reason you have to reset your daily schedule follow this procedure and it will work seemlessly:

On the dashboard wait for the next song in rotation to begin to play. Switch over to scheduling and delete then reschedule your day.

Once you get the finished scheduling message immediately go back to the dashboard and press "Reload Schedule". The new schedule will apprear and nobody will ever know you switched.

This is especially important to Live365 users. If you don't follow this procedure and reload the schedule, the same song will continue playing over and over again resulting in delisting from Live365.
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Article details
Article ID: 29
Category: Shout Radio Automation
Date added: 2010-01-08 16:00:14
Views: 2155
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (77)

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