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How to - Instructions for Live365

Solution First of all you must have at least an SRA Basic Account for Live 365

For Live365 stations, you will stream to a normal Shoutcast station first. We create a 2 slot Shoutcast server for our customers for this purpose.

Once you have your station up and streaming to our Shoutcast server, you need to go to Settings -> Advanced Settings and enable Live365 Title Streaming, and insert your username and password for Live365.

The final step is for you to log into your Live365 account and point it to the IP and port of the our 2 slot Shoutcast server. Everything else is automatic.

If you need a Live365 stream, submit a high priority ticket to us and we will set it up for you.
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Article details
Article ID: 35
Category: Live365 Users
Date added: 2011-01-21 17:59:28
Views: 3352
Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (106)

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